Where have I been and where am…

When we associate something with the star systems in New Eden, that word is usually home. 
Home in New Eden is where we live, earn our ISK, fight and also die regularly.

New Eden is huge and accordingly we find our home in all corners. 
Be it highsec, lowsec, wormholes or nullspace everywhere we find a corner where we can live.

The map in the game offers us an interesting function that we can display.
This is called “System I have visited”.

Basically, the map tells a lot of stories that you have experienced.
In my case, it is especially visible that I have spent a lot of time in the Empire.
And here in principle everywhere me times rumgetrieben have. At least in most of the regions I was once on the road.

But my actual home was basically always the southern area in the Ammatar region. That’s actually a legacy of my first corp. And in the meantime I have so much stuff that a move is not worth it in my eyes because it’s clearly too expensive or too risky.

But also Nullspace was often my home. This includes the Providence region, Vale of Silent, Esoteria and Kavelava-Expanse.
Basically, I didn’t get around much here, since I never really ventured far out as a rule. 
You can easily see the few PVP excursions at this point. And also that especially in Esoteria I was just too lazy to fly there but started my way via Clone Express.

A few spots that are standing around here relatively alone are clearly from the Winter Nexus event where I also fired filaments in the direction of Nullsec from time to time to get some loot here. 
The map reveals not only where you have been everywhere but also when you were there for the last time.

I have now deliberately picked out a region that I have not visited for ages. And we actually see that we were last there about 13 years ago. And that only once.

Let’s take my current home system as a comparison, which I have visited far more than 1,300 times since the beginning of the count.

I find a relatively cool feature of the card and I think one so no longer aware of what you have already seen in his career as a capsule pilot everything. 

3 Rückmeldungen “Where have I been and where am…

  1. Hallo Sendriss,

    über die Funktion der Karte bin ich ca. 2 Monate nach dem ersten Login gestolpert. Echt ein cooles Feature und auch cool um jedes Jahr einen Screenshot zu machen und zu vergleichen mit denen davor.

    Fly Clever
    Zarah Arkaral

  2. Ich muss mir “meine” Karte auch mal gleich ansehen… Habe ich schon ewig nicht mehr gemacht.
    Die Idee mit dem Screenshot ist cool. ^^

  3. Gibt schon ein paar nette Features. Ich glaube bei mir wird es nur dann interessant wenn ich mich außerhalb des Highsec bewege. Den dort habe ich gefühlt schon jedes System besucht.

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