#mt September: Aesthetics in New Eden – do we want more SKINs?

eXeler0n threw the new topic into the round with quafe.de: Skins.
I had already written something about the topic some time ago, how the situation looks like with me.

Generally I am a person who prefers to fly around with the default skins than the available ones. What is the reason for that? Maybe I haven’t found the right one yet or I don’t want to spend plexes to buy a certain skin.
But probably it’s more to the point that the cool skins are no longer available or cost me directly all my ISK.

Actually, I like the possibility to customize his ship and thus stand out a bit from the “gray” mass.

Also there are some series that can be obtained by diligence like the above to send Biosecurity skins from Project Discovery and make a very good impression.
There would have to be again more possibilities than only the store to get skins and also the possibility these in the game to receive.
Also older skins I would like to see once again or want to take.

The possibility to get more and different variants and these possibly easier in the game makes I think also the world a little more attractive.

Additionally, I would like to see skins where we can customize the primary or secondary colors.
Not a whole skin but only the colors.

Also skins based on e.g. special MIssion series would be interesting.

A first step to get new skins is already available through the partner program or the support of CCP for events.

I can understand why CCP offers skins only in the store but unfortunately not all are available there.
I can also understand that certain skins are only available temporarily and should be something special.

The list of skins is huge, but unfortunately the availability is the problem.

Via the Daily Login Bonus, there are regular 30-day skins to try out and test.
But it feels like these are always the same skins for different ships.

A good approach would be to make all skins available for a short time.
It doesn’t have to be 30 days, but 7 days would be enough and every player with an Omega account would have enough variety.

Translated with www.DeepL.com/Translator (free version)

2 Rückmeldungen “#mt September: Aesthetics in New Eden – do we want more SKINs?

  1. Muss zugeben, ich konnte mich nie mit den Biosec-Skins anfreunden, aber ich gebe dir Recht.
    Wäre cool, wenn man die Skins beispielsweise als seltene Drops bei Missionen oder Faction-spawns in Anomalien kriegen könnte oder etwas mehr Varietät bei den NPC-Hauler Wracks reingebracht wird.
    Ich fliege derzeit primär die Garmur, da wäre es besipielsweise cool, wenn man Redclaw Sable, Convergence Nova und die Washi Skins aus den Belt-Ratten oder der Besieged Covert Research Facility bekommen könnte.

    1. Hoffen wir mal, dass sich hier was tut. Zumindest gewisse Standardskins wären nicht verkehrt. Exklusive und ausgefallene weiterhin auf dem normalen Wege.

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