NPE and Skillplan: An impression of SiSi

CCP has added a new entry point for EvE players and is currently testing it on Singularity.
Somehow I have the feeling that CCP has read my article about your entry.

We wake up after a short intro at our destroyed station in our capsule and wonder together with Aura what happened.

Relatively quickly we realize that we have been attacked and relatively much has been destroyed. Nearby we find a heavily damaged Astero which we of course don’t leave standing for long but get right in. Everything is better than the pod.

Soon reinforcements arrive in the form of various Bowheads and a Basilisk. This repairs us immediately and thus we have a complete Astero in use.
We leave the area and gather with other fleets near an anomaly.

We don’t stay alone for a long time and are also quickly harassed and attacked by our mysterious attackers. Thanks to our FC in the Basilisk we survive our first duel against the frigates and afterwards against a cruiser.
We do not survive the duel against two battleships and die the corresponding death of a warrior.

We open now in the Empire on a Highsec station and experience now however an adapted Tutorial.
In the process, the new NPC Corp AIR is now very present and then directs us at the current state directly to the career agents.

I think there is still a lot to come here. CCP has said in your DEVBLOGS that there is still a lot to come here.
I like the entry point, but it still needs to be expanded significantly. I think the new tool is well able to design some things here and as soon as there is supply here I’m back.
One point bothers me, the camera movements are still a bit too choppy for me and I lost my orientation from time to time.

The second point in this SiSi update is the skill plan or the reorganization of the interfaces for skills.
These have now received their own window and thus flown out of the character window.

This makes the window look much tidier and allows more possibilities for the skills.

The skill menu offers a lot of possibilities. Here, the focus is on the skill plan, that is, the planning and structuring of skills.
In addition to the possibility of already finished plans for the individual career paths and factions, we can also build free skill plan.

Here I see very good opportunities for newcomers and for general goals. We can freely define and build them.
It would be very interesting if these skillplans would be divisible and therefore not only fitting but also the corresponding skills can be given directly by corps or alliances.
In this example I put in the core for the Rorqual and the system automatically added all missing skills.

The previous view is of course also available and nicely laid out and larger than before.

All in all I like the first part of the update and I would be happy if there is more to come.
The new tool certainly has potential in normal EvE life like missions or other combat missions against NPC.

I will keep you up to date.

Align to Gate! Updates for Skills & NPE
Improved New Player Experience
Updates To Skill Training


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