PI: The conversion is done and the test balloon flies

I haven’t written anything about my activities in PI for a while.
Not that I don’t do anything here, but the time to write about it is somewhat lacking here.

Okay, where were we?

I wanted to rebuild for one of my characters in nullsec.
This has also been done. Building P3 wasn’t really worth it and was too costly.

Therefore, I have also rebuilt this industrial road and now use the freed capacity to produce two more P2 products here as well.
This is a bit more time-consuming but optimized and better to control.

In the process, however, I have noticed a few things on a different character. The structure of the links was partially something suboptimal and needs again div. improvements.
Thus I must look at the planets once again and reorganize the structure.
The reward for this effort would be about 1-2 more extractor heads that I could place and thus have more yield.

It will also take some time to finish the third character. I think once that I will reassess the situation afterwards.
It might be worthwhile to look at P3 or even P4 again with 15 planets. This I can foresee however also only if it is so far.

To create more capacity all three will get a sixth planet and then it will be exciting.

The larger and more exciting experiment takes place however in the Highsec.
This also deals with PI. Now you will probably think why there of all places?

The answer is relatively simple, and it comes down to the keyword refinement.
Buy one, refine it by one level and sell it again.

This is also my test balloon I mentioned above.
At the moment my test tracks are running warm with various products near Jita.

One character is now parked for this first with five planets and has made his first round.
And what shall I say? Not considering the set-up costs now, I even made a profit in the low three-digit million range.

And that only with one load of raw materials. If it becomes more and still more planets is surely some possible.

I am positively surprised that this was possible. I seem to have chosen exactly the right items.
Unfortunately, Jita is far from my home station, so I can’t bring all the characters here when the big business starts.
But the close location of the planets has the advantage of low transportation costs.
The disadvantage of course is the traffic and taxes in the customs stations of the planets.
Near Jita I found no planet below 15% taxes and also further outside and in an acceptable travel range nothing was cheaper to get.
In my home planet the taxes are at 12.5%. A little lower but very far away so I will probably stay in that area.

The selection of PI products is manageable and the biggest problem for me will probably be the buy itself.
There is competition accordingly, since most people in the Empire rely on the worse planets and also need the goods themselves or do not sell to the buy orders.

It had taken a few days and price adjustments until I had everything together.
But that’s just Jita.

I try to invest a little more time here so that I can keep the planets running throughout.
Only running planets bring money and that must be invested as a rule of course.
I have split off a small budget from my assets to keep better track of costs and revenues.

It will certainly be interesting to see what happens next.

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