CCP plays with Ice and Mercoxit

Last month, CCP has turned a few screws for my mining.
This was mainly the case that the spawn rate of ice fields was increased significantly.
Basically, it means that every six hours a new belt appears when the old one is empty.

This rum again means that very much ice available. Consequence out here again around a strongly falling price of ice products.
Advantage is that by the larger quantity also more can be mined and thus more ISK can be generated.

On this can be observed quite well. I use this page among other things to check the current status of prices and compare this with the mined quantity.
Thus I recognize already in advance what is worthwhile and what not.

The ice price knows as said basically at the moment only the way down. I am once curious at which values he rolls in.
This ensures that we now have to mine more ice to get the same yield and thus about falling ISK per hour.
Just mining a little bit and earning some money is not that easy anymore.

We see in the curves rather a normalization of the price. 

The second change is the Mercoxit. Here, too, the frequency has been fine-tuned and increased accordingly.
Thus we find significantly more in free anomalies, the same applies to normal asteroid belts.
This has no influence on the Belts that appear in the systems due to the industrial level.
Nevertheless, this also has an influence on the price and this takes a similar direction. Whereby this is not as strong as with the ice.

From both products I still have some in stock which must be sold. In Nullspace usually under Jita price, but it is worth more than the transport towards Empire.
So I’ll keep trying, but will specialize my mining strategy more towards the moon.

In general, I would also like to change my setup, so I’m saving up a larger surplus of ISK right now.
The goal of the whole thing is to buy the following “little thing”.

So the one in the background. On the test server I have already played around with it a bit and I have to admit it is kind of fun.
The only disadvantage are the five minutes “stand time”. I think here before I still have some panic. But with appropriate scouts this should not be a problem for now.

You get used to everything and I hope to never have to use this module.

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