Not born for the planet…

As a capsuleer pilot, the infinite space of EvE is your home. Even on stations we don’t really want to be active and especially after we are not allowed to be there anymore. But that’s another topic.
Planets themselves I often like to look at from orbit and wish I could do some target practice. But this is unfortunately not possible. But there are other things you can do with planets.

For example, planets have beautiful moons where we can blast parts out of the surface and really blow them up after transporting them to the mining site. When something explodes, the capsule pilot is satisfied for the time being. Afterwards the remains must be removed, because who makes dirt must also clean this up and who would like to fly already against Monderzbrocken. This only scratches the beautiful varnish of our ships while our skiffs already look like they have been buried three times and rolled out again because of all the dust. Unfortunately, these monderzes are always gone very quickly, one way or another.

The dismantling of monderzes has become a quiet and relaxed task for me, which keeps my three little capsule pilots well occupied and at the same time brings in some money for my own company. After all, someone has to cover the costs. The income is quite okay and also the benefit of the raw materials is available.

The other type I have now completely started or rediscovered is the planetary industry, i.e. the overexploitation of raw materials from planets. First of all, I had to rethink. Which products are there and how do the extractors work. I have written at the beginning of PI a German-language manual but since the structure of the extractors has changed significantly and also the command center dynamically received an update no longer use. In Highsec this topic didn’t interest me much, because here the planets are not really productive. In nullsec it is a different situation again. The output of the planets is higher and I can sell directly to my customers.

The easiest method to find a buyer is to ask in the own corp or the partner corp, with which we work closely together, which demand exists. And in fact I got a wish list which I could produce as far as possible. That is my selection was set and I had to decide now only from the list in the final effect my end products are.
As a resource I currently have two pilots with five planets each. An exchange of the goods among themselves should not take place and each pilot autarkic for itself function.
I decided because of the planets for a P3 product and four P2 products for my ten planets.

Thus the P3 production was firmly planned on one, whereby here in each case three planets were to build the intermediate products of the P2 and to supply. Since there was still free capacity on the P3 production planet, it was of course used for another P2 production. The last planet was on its own and constantly produced P2.
So half of it is done.
And there are two more P2 products left. These are produced in a different way. The production does not take place firmly on a planet but takes place centrally on a separate planet.

So I can reduce the initial planets very well to the production of P1 products and produce one P1 product per planet. On the last planet the P2 production takes place. This enables me to produce products that cannot be built on one planet but need at least two different ones.

This part of the planning was completed and I could build up the production accordingly.
Now I only have to work on the optimization but for the first litter I am satisfied and can concentrate on the extractors. Here I have to bring some timing accordingly and also look how long I can mine to get enough raw materials, but not to let it become a day-filling task.


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