#mt October: What I would never do in EvE

This month we are more centrally concerned with the topic of the possibilities we have in EvE.
Basically, almost everything you can imagine is allowed and even beyond.

In addition, there are a lot of other activities beyond the actual game, collecting or flying certain ships or even lining certain functions within their own community.
In EvE there is always something you can do. Or as in this case, you can’t do.

Therefore, it includes relatively much that can be considered theoretically.

Basically I keep myself actually well in the communities with which I am on the way.
This means that to rip them off is taboo for me for the time being. I would also not do this with Alt Chars.
At some point it falls back on you. And who could not shut up after a successful action 😉
Nevertheless, the temptation is there every now and then to try it with certain parties.
Also it would be a pity for the members, because they would be the sufferers of the action and not the people you don’t like.

In the same falls the topic espionage for me. That should also make people who fill themselves for it appointed. I am however in principle only once in Communities on the way in those I feel well.
And I feel comfortable primarily where I can be normal and do not have to pretend. Therefore it would be hard for me to play this kind of games.

But other things are definitely on my list as well.
I would never voluntarily take a CEO role in a corp. That would only cost me personally time, which I already have relatively little for EvE.
Support and help gladly but build a corp myself is not my case.

Of course, the favorite picture of my CEO must not be missing.

For that my time in EvE is too precious as I would argue about certain tasks. For this I prefer to pay people who take over.
Apropro take over.
I am not really one who likes PVP or even loves it. It often takes me too long or I haven’t found the right approach.
But I think I will never really get a foothold in PVP but always only when time and desire is available in a ship.
So I would never do anything in EvE that has to do with commanding fleets or something like that.
I am already mercilessly overwhelmed and have to ask a thousand times if I have interpreted it correctly.

The ideas here behind are simply too strange to me. Maybe I just have to start smaller, but the motivation is missing.
Of course I have the appropriate ships standing around. In general, my current number of ships is reduced to the minimum.
What leads for the fact that I may procure in principle with a loss Nachschub.

Or I am simply too vain to use my ships. I see this especially with my Providence in Highsec.
Basically, this is only moved for the most necessary and smallest tours. Everything else I basically let do.
I just don’t feel the need to transport large masses. Even easy to do transport missions for standing or similar are not very useful in my eyes.

I prefer to sit in the asteroid belt and mine ores or ice.
Or as an alternative I dug out my Ishtar and started recycling.
Producing scrap metal from NPC rats. EvE should just be fun for me and as long as I try to pull out the most possible with as little use of ISK as possible.
Also to collect a few ships or to get skins.

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