Pain in the neck are everywhere

Strictly speaking, we’re talking about about 48 teases or 48 bots, depending on how you look at it.
I am not really sure about this yet.
What is certain, however, is that a corp that is not friendly to us or financed from outside is currently positioning observers and troublemakers everywhere.

These have the simple and straightforward task of basically disrupting a quiet process within the systems first and thus lowering the Active Defend Multiplier.
This would allow foreign alliances to anchor structures and thus have a gateway into our territory.

On the other hand, to please everything that is not paying attention or is safe in time with a hotdrop. And not only with ships from your own organization but, also with the support of your probable employer Fraternity. Thus, there is also a chance that an escalation to an unknown number of super-capitals can take place.
Here we are talking about the AKINA mountain family. Killtronic had already made your experience with the colleagues before the Mobile Observartory. At that time the friends with the name “CCTV Eyes xx” disappeared accordingly to the introduction from the systems.

Thanks to these modules, we can find the cloaked ships, but this is now also clearly visible to the attacker and he can react to it.
Relatively easy by taking the offensive or simply leaving the game. If in doubt, he can still hotdrop when attacked and bring in reinforcements.

If you are busy in several systems at the same time or one after the other, he will usually flee and you won’t see him in the game for a few hours.

Strangely, all associated accounts in a given area react the same.
Either the actions are carried out in parallel in the systems or they log out at the same time.

We were able to kill him several times, but after a while he came back of course.
It is advantageous here, if it is not worthwhile for the attacking ships to open a Cyno. So you take ships that are cheaper like attack frigates like the Retribution.
And unfortunately there are always one or the other victim, so that it is always worthwhile for the attackers to continue to be active.
Mainly we work with an Arazu.

Our goal is thus to keep our friend behind this action out of the game as much as possible.
We don’t want our territory to be attackable and for that we fight accordingly.

So it remains an interesting cat-and-mouse game, because this is only a small scene when it comes to the fights against Fraternity.

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