Now, do we enroll once or several times?

I have reported some time ago about wanting to participate in Faction Warfare.
I wanted to build a character especially for this and then enroll Sendriss as soon as I have the opportunity without leaving the corp.

The former, meaning the extra character is done and is on a corresponding alpha account and thus the skill points are not as high.
But as you remember at least the Rifter is available with a usable fitting on this character.
At this point I can very well imagine continuing capsuleer pilots on an alpha account.
Four pilots four factions and then above that the ability to collect. Also the problem that the money supply does not fit is yes meanwhile regulated.
All can join my corp and can thus have access to a budget made available for this.

Then I can just use the individual pilots according to my whim, especially in view of the fact that each pilot of course also flies the ship of his faction.
And the biggest advantage would be, I would not drag my main in.

My second thought is, if I could do this with pilots on my main account and therefore with omega status.
But this would have an important disadvantage for me, because even here I would have to skill the pilots little by little and once it’s my turn I would like to have a lot more of course.

Which takes against rum a longer skill time and again lasts. Even if we take into account that this pilot learns at twice the speed of an alpha account.
So I think there’s still more to be said for outsourcing to alpha accounts.

But now the question why Sendriss does not adopt this. The question can be explained quite simply here.
I want to keep the flexibility I have in this character by having usable standings and I don’t want to ruin them.
And besides, it would be embarrassing to me to get one on the nose with the character constantly.

But it still means to finally come to a useful skill plan for the other characters to design and also to pull through.

Likewise, I would now have to get at least for the one pilot now also a stock of ships and really actively deal with the current campaign and the possibilities.
Finally, this is also a way for me to hopefully get the individual faction ships reasonably cheaply.

1 Rückmeldungen zu “Now, do we enroll once or several times?

  1. Hallo Sendriss,

    ich würde dein Vorhaben auch erstmal auf Alpha Basis testen und erst wenn du an die Grenzen des Alphaspuelstils stößt an eine Omega Variante denken.

    Fly Clever
    Zarah Arkaral

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