If I think back about 20 years, I was just about to graduate from high school and was mainly involved with browser games.
The goal of the game was also to build up a small empire and to act together with other players, basically nothing different than currently. At that time I also volunteered as support for an online game. And I think EvE Online was freshly hatched. The contact was fast there, because this game where I was active was modeled after the homepage of EvE Online. Whether this was positive or negative I leave aside.
In the meantime many years have passed and I became really active in 2008 and since then EvE follows me more and less active. So I have among other things the 10 year box with me and would have been happy about a special edition for the current 20th birthday, but something is always.
CCP celebrates this of course also with the community in the form of an event and of course lots of fireworks that are burned in Jita 4-4 and even generated a TiDi that had it in itself.
A highlight was also the mosaic that CCP started some time ago. Here for some time ago three tasks had to be done to be a part of it. I was able to do this, although I am not online regularly. So I have positioned myself accordingly.
What I’m personally disappointed with is that the individual images are only colored and not sorted based on the characters.
The whole thing could have been a bit more clever.
But at least I’m on it. Have you found it yet? The next thing to update would be the monument in Rekjavic on Iceland. Almost 10 years ago the monument was built there with the names of all players who were active at that time. I was able to place two characters at that time. This year CCP expands the list and it will be the active Omega accounts from 6.5.2023. If one is already on it, like me the name will be expanded to include the Titan Chevron. I look forward to seeing my name live at some point.
So outside of EvE, there’s a lot of exciting stuff going on. But also in the game there is something going on again.
We’re talking mainly about the usual sites that are well designed and we can freely distinguish between exploration and combat.
I was able to try out both and got stuck on the combat missions again. Somehow the number of scan sites didn’t convince me. As usual for the anniversary we can choose between two factions, basically it doesn’t matter in my opinion which one we choose. But only for this one we have a certain progress in the event and can and pick up the rewards. Even if we fly the mission against our own choice without any problems there are no consequences. We just do not get further.
Nevertheless, the missions are well designed for highsec. So I decided to try out the Combat Anomalies and I like to use it to get to know new ships. And also to increase my collection this is perfect. For the sites it was at most possible to use a battlecruiser. So I chose a Navy Drake with a passive tank and I have to say, it does what it is supposed to do.
Actually a nice ship and the individual waves do not bring the tank below 40% and more I do not want. And despite some energy extractors, my energy has been more than enough. And the sites are clearly more frequent to find than the scan sites and so now I try to get the maximum yield this time. After all, I like to collect the skins.
In addition, CCP has also announced the next addon, which is now in the works and will soon give us with T2 Capitals the everyday life even more interesting. Let’s see how the prices are. I also think that we see it on the current cover already these ships.
As soon as I see something on Singularity you’ll know and I’ll try to post the first screenshots directly.
Hallo Sendriss,
ich habe mich auch für eine passive Navi Drake entschieden. Super stabil und mit T2 Raketen noch ganz angenehm jedoch verliere ich leider gegen jede Tengu trotz überhitzen.
Bin mittlerweile in ein ruhigeres Gebiet umgezogen mit weniger Konkurrenz.
Bin auch schon gespannt wie gut die neuen T2 Capitals werden. Wenn es die Schiffe auf dem Bild werden, dann könnte ich mir eine Art Übermarauder werden…Was denkst du?
Fly Clever
Zarah Arkaral
ich glaube es kommt wirklich darauf an wo die damit hinwollen. Ich gehe einmal davon aus, dass der Preis ziemlich hoch sein wird und diese sich daher in die Richtung Marauder und vor allem für PVE verwendet werden.
Es werden teure Spielzeuge. Warten es ab worauf diese sich Spezialisieren, vermutlich Super-Killer meiner Meinung nach.