Oh dear, you surely remember back when CCP announced a mining update towards the end of last year. New crystals, garbage and also the compression should be adjusted. Has here perhaps suffered the Jita Monument. I think they are still in the process with putty to remove all the damage. At least roughly it was repaired, the rest is probably not even touched because there is anyway sometime again a reason to shoot the monument.
Or maybe only the Omega team was sent because no one felt like it from the other teams who knows.
The important part is that the whole part with reworking the compression was postponed.
And now it is reworked and has found its way into the game.
For me as a miner, it’s a wet dream because it makes logistics easier before anything else.
On the one hand, it is now finally possible to compress monderze and thus also fly more easily to the corresponding stations for refining.
But also the loading capacity in the Rorqual can be increased significantly. Thus, the packages can first be appropriately reduced in size and only be converted into minerals at the place of use.
This saves some cubic meters of cargo space, since the minerals are not very space-saving either.
The more important element in this patch, in my opinion, is that the individual mining ships can now compress directly in their own cargo space.
So it is no longer necessary to transfer everything to the Rorqual and then perform this process there.
In addition to the Rorqual, the smaller sister ships Orca and Porpoise have this capability.
While the Rorqual and Orca can compress all kinds of mining products like ores, gas, lunar or asteroid ores, the Porpoise can only compress asteroid ores or gas because of its size.
I think this is a good compromise.
The consequence is that the generally very scarce cargo space aboard the mining ships can be used more effectively and thus many more ores can be mined and stowed than before.
Depending on the type, the corresponding module must be equipped on the command ship. Thus, here must also always be chosen specifically. The size of the modules also depends on the ships.
While the Medium Compressor can be used for the Porpoise, the Orca uses the Large and the Rorqual naturally the Capital variant.
The use of all modules always requires an active industrial core, which keeps the command ship in place for a certain time, but at the same time offers the possibility of a strong bonus.
If we now translate it into practice, I am extremely pleased. In contrast to the ores, which have a factor of 1:100, ice is only reduced by 1:10.
But this means that a cargo of the Hulk on 15 blocks becomes 150 possible blocks. This saves us some flying and allows me as a miner to mine much longer and have less wasted time in warp.
The same or similar applies here of course in the asteroid field with an appropriate command ship. We can work much more flexibly and better. The cargo was always something that bothered me a lot and I’m glad that CCP has now solved this more sensibly as originally planned.
Since we have here, except for gas, at the compression losses. Gas has always been a bit weird in this. But do not say too much about it, otherwise it evaporates.
CCP has introduced another improvement to the jetcans. These have now been doubled in volume. This also makes it a lot easier for dedicated logisticians to mine, as the number of cans per mining ship is clearly reduced.
Now I must look in once that I reassemble my ships and stand accordingly again in a belt. Preferably with a Rorqual or Orca that offers the appropriate module.
Choice here will probably be a Hulk again, although the Endurance is also very interesting and as a small but fast ship also has a high degradation rate. Combined with the appropriate compression, this is also a tempting option.
I think my miner heart will be very happy in this case.
Guten Abend, ja es gibt schon positives wie auch ein kleinen negativen Punkt,
Das unangenehme ist, nun brauchst ein kleines Fesspaket, denn das Docken wird sich wesendlich verringert. So ohne Essen wird das nix mit dem langen Minern. Und ich bin dafür ein WC brauchen nun auch die Mining-Bargen.
Also ich denke es wird, wenn auch nicht spürbar, der Datenaustausch zwischen Server und Client weniger werden. Es spart eben das ewige An und Abdocken der Minier Carebärchis. Das laden und updaten des Inventars usw. Gerade wenn es gemischte Fleets sind von Corp membern und Nicht-Corpmembern.
Ja der Transport wird sich auch besser händeln lassen. Nur lasst die Finger von den Blockade-Runner.
Auch wenn der Patch unglücklich gelaufen ist mit der Skillverfügbarkeit, bin ich doch nun zufrieden. Die Preise für die Compress Module pegeln sich auch schnell ein. Also es kann dann los gehen,
Vielen Dank für deinen Post.
PS: mein Newbie bekommt auch schon glasige Augen beim Onboard-Compressen des Ice in der Mining-Barge.
Oje, wie gut das nur die Crew Nahrung und Wasser braucht. Und ganz ehrlich, interessiert dich deine Crew?
Der Server freut sich sicherlich. Dafür muss er nun mehr Kompressionsvorgänge berechnen.
Es macht doch schon viele Dinge einfacher, wobei einfach mal die Kompressen Funktion der Qualle zu entfernen ohne Vorankündigung, in der Annahme, wird ja schon logisch sein, fand ich nun nicht so nett. Und dann die Skillbücher nicht zu seeden. Aber nun gut, wir sind alle nur Menschen.
Das mit den Skillbüchern passiert. Aber wie du schon sagtest ist das andere einfach her leitbar 🙂
Ich bin nicht so begeistert von der Geschichte. Ich verstehe, die Vorteile beim Transport der Materialien. Moon Minerals, Gas – das it schon ganz nett. Aber ansonsten sehe ich keine nennenswerten Vorteile. Eher Nachteile. Die Preise für die Skilbücher, die Trainingszeit und auch die Preise für die entsprechenden neuen Module in den Kommandoschiffen sind schon happig. Das sind Investitionen, (v.a. Skillbooks), die mir einfach mal so aufs Auge gedrückt werden. Nicht schön.
Der Vorteil dabei ist, du musst es ja nicht skillen 🙂
Andere müssen es haben, wenn du nicht der Boni-Geber bist.