EvE Skill Theory – Either it ends soon or never

It’s time again to deal with skills.
This has on the one hand reason that one of my Alts slowly the Skillqueue on end runs and on the other hand the consideration what should come now.

In total I have just five characters on which a skill runs and which there is a plan what I do.

Therefore, the simplest is the whole as an overview of the individual chars.

Account A)
This is my main account which also contains Sendriss.
Thanks to MCT, another character is still running actively through various skills next to Sendriss until the beginning of April. After that an almost fluent change will take place.
I can hardly find a useful skill for Sendriss at the moment and with almost 188 million skill points everything important is done for now.
The only thing I could imagine at this point would be the new skills for remote compression, but I would currently use them purely in highsec on the Orca.
However, I’m currently in zero on the road, so it’s not really worth it.
Therefore, the skill Jump Drive Calibration on V runs to the end in the middle of the next month and also the final queue.

The next possible option would be to go further with the goals of skilling a Super Carrier, FAUX or the Revelation.
But I think they are not important for me at the moment. I can control a carrier very well and that should be enough.
A FAUX is currently just as useless to me as a Dreadnought or a Super Carrier. Even with a Carrier, I wouldn’t be able to do anything in terms of time.

So basically I don’t miss any skills at this point that I still need to learn and therefore this will be the last skill on Sendriss for now.

So there is an overlap in time between when the MCT expires and when the skill plan ends. But I’m not worried about that, just that I’ll forget to restart the other character since it will be automatically stopped.

Since Sendriss is basically trapped in nullspace for now and thus can’t participate in events, I decided to pull up a second character on the account.
This is already running thanks to MCT, but will be out for a few days in April. He should also be able to hunt Hauler with a Hectate and fly Abyssal besides the events.

I start with this character however felt at nothing, therefore it takes accordingly this character so far to get.
Here I also have to consider in how far a revamp of the attributes is useful to reduce this skill time.
But this should not be the end of the line, because this character should be able to do a lot in terms of Empire.

He should finally provide some variety and continue to organize skins from events.

I can theoretically fly Abyssalsites in zero, but since I don’t use a Blinky anyway, I don’t have to worry about losing anything in highsec.
So far I’ve also never flown higher than tier 3 and that won’t change in the near future. The skill plans tell me that it will still take some time.

Account B)

Crystal Aurora is the main player on this account. Besides mining, she also has unused potential in the area of industry, which means that she can build everything except for a few exceptions and is currently learning all the required skills at level V for the production of T2 components.
Thus, she also has a fixed role in my overview for now. Besides PI and a few combat skills she is very flexible and well usable. But also the industrial skills are finally and with the completion of the industrial skills for all T2 components, the question is what comes next.

There are a couple of options here that I have in mind. One option would be the one I ruled out with Sendriss but would make sense in combination. Namely the flying of a FAUX.
This could serve as a support ship, if something should go wrong.
The second variant would create further potential on my trade character which would remain unused for the time being.
Here the further development of the trade skills would be a goal. Means the possibility in Jita to be clearly more active and to carry out once something market PVP.
However, since Crystal still has a few days on hold, this is also still future music.

Account C)

Basically my biggest problem child in terms of skills. I feel that I have distributed everything useful on my characters in some form or another.
This is the only account that has two of them in zero. Both can PI of which another is additionally useful for mining.

What I am still missing is a Cynochar. Means this is also just learned to the Covert variant. And then?
A little time gives me the possibility to bring Planetary Command Center to V on the second character.
This would give me a sixth planet, which I don’t have in operation on any of them at the moment.

Otherwise I have here first of all nothing what I could skill. An alternative would also be to build potential for industry or similar.
So if you have an idea let me know.

Account D)

This is in contrast to the above mentioned account an alpha account and currently learns all alpha skills for the PVP Rifter.
Here the thought process is to invest possibly once three months Omega and thus the skills and also the goal faster to reach.

He runs on his own and otherwise needs very little care.

How does it look for you? What skills do you currently have or where is the journey going. Maybe there are some suggestions for me.

2 Rückmeldungen “EvE Skill Theory – Either it ends soon or never

  1. Huhu,
    ich bin momentan stark im combat Boost am skillen um besser Faxe fliegen zu können und Command Ships.
    Was immer wieder aufkommt, sind die Basics..an den würde ich nun nicht sparen, da es am Ende immer wieder kommt. Viele Grüße

  2. Guten Morgen,

    vielen Dank für deinen Post. Ein Thema ist mir da ins Auge gefallen, FAUX. Ich habe zwar einen doch ich denke dieses Ship ist nur wirklich in einer großen Ally/Corp sinnvoll einzusetzen. Über die Erfahrungen würde ich gerne mehr lesen wollen.

    Ein Schwerpunkt ist zur Zeit das Skillen rund ums Shield/Command. Ein weiteres Ziel ist der Blockaderunner. Dazwischen schieben musste ich nun den Zweig des Reprozess und Refine-Bereich. Von dem Indu-Core Skill und dem Compress Skill ganz zu schweigen. Das Ausskillen der Orca ist der nächste wichtige Punkt auf der Liste.

    Mein ältester Char (rund 85Mil SP) hat nun Fighters V in angriff genommen. Das ist so bei mir ein Skill den ich immer wieder vor mir her schiebe. Gerne würde ich auf diesen Char noch die Command Ships skillen.

    Alle Chars sind und werden so angelegt das sie sich gegenseitig im PVP/PVE Indu-Bereich ergänzen.


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