Search for activities despite zero time

I like puns in the headlines and can’t let it go.
There is so much to do and yet you invest time that of course you don’t always have.

Some activity I would like to pursue and I basically have, besides PI, three choices:

  • Exploration
  • Mining
  • Ratting

These are basically the classics for a good occupation in the game and also something you can do well to earn money.
Of course there is another activity in terms of trading or also would be an alternative.

But I would like to do something more active. This includes ratting and exploration. Whereby the former is more exciting.
Depending on what is exciting for you and how much you are interested in it.

The main reason is that I want to get away from mining, although it is a very pleasant activity.

I need to get back into it slowly and I think the easiest way to do that is to go with an Ishtar.

It is relatively relaxed and the kill speed is not the best compared to other options, but I think the heavy Praetor drones are a very good way to get started again.
Currently I’m running with the following fitting.

[Ishtar, ~╬- Singularity.]
Drone Damage Amplifier II
Drone Damage Amplifier II
Drone Damage Amplifier II
Omnidirectional Tracking Enhancer II
Omnidirectional Tracking Enhancer II
Damage Control II

100MN Y-S8 Compact Afterburner
Multispectrum Shield Hardener II
Large Shield Extender II
Large Shield Extender II

Auto Targeting System I
Auto Targeting System I
Drone Link Augmentor II
Coreli A-Type Small Remote Armor Repairer

Medium Core Defense Field Extender II
Medium Core Defense Field Extender II

Praetor II x6
Hornet EC-300 x5
Infiltrator II x20

The fitting gives me a lot of options, especially in the beginning.
I am also supported by an MTU which serves as a central vacuum cleaner and anchor point. There I can set a good orbit due to the Afterburner and basically watch the drones at work in peace.
The MTU catches up with the respective wrecks and empties them accordingly. The most important point here is that the warp point must also not be at 0 KM, but of course some distance must be maintained.
Then the drones fly a little longer but you yourself are quite well protected due to your own distance or orbit.

Basically, you only have to make sure that the one or other drone is not switched on as a target by various elite NPCs.
The then required return flight time for the heavy drone then takes a little longer and the opponent has here successfully the possibility to distribute appropriate damage.
Therefore, there is always one on reserve in the cargo. Whereby I could also exchange one or the other infiltrator drone to have two more drones as reserve.

Why is my preferred choice not a medium drone?
Quite simple. The Praetor does more damage to battleships, and it doesn’t make much difference to other targets.

In the end, I’m just better off with these drones in terms of kill speed.

Thanks to the autotargeting system, I can also add more targets and thus maximize the number. Additionally here, the enemies attacking me are also automatically unlocked.

Of course, if you’re not careful, an Ishtar is easy prey for any enemy interceptor.
The only chance you have is to get your legs in time and hope that the enemy scout doesn’t find the correct anomaly right away.
If you are unlucky I would doubt that you can get him without light drones like the Warrior.

Maybe I should pack some more, that would be another idea. The last glimmer of hope or pure desperation is then the five Hornet-EC300 drones carried for electronic warfare.
These will then be used as disposable drones. My hope is that I can align and then the drones will cut the feed. Long enough to jump to safety.

So in the truest sense of the word, pure desperation.

But let’s get back to the optimal case of not being disturbed.

So while our drones are cutting up the enemies into nice scrap metal the MTU comes into active use at the same time and should start cleaning up the site.
And in the optimal case, the site should also be cleaned up just before the MTU is done.
With other ships, like the Paladin, the kill speed is much higher, but we are just starting small again.
So we clearly have the good possibility to save existing faction modules and to change them in the hangar.

4 Rückmeldungen “Search for activities despite zero time

  1. Japp das beste Mittel für den Anfang, so hatte ich es auch gemacht … bin mir nur grad net so sicher wieso Du 2x Auto Targeting System I baruchst!?

    1. Hi, grundsätzlich fliege ich in erster Linie Anomalien. Alles andere ist für mich derzeit nicht relevant.

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