Highsec vacation

I thought I’d give myself a few days of rest to sort out my things, try something out and do something else again.
That sounds more dramatic than it is in reality.

But what is the current status?
In my year-end post I already wrote that Killtronic will leave its current home in Esoteria.
This has happened in the meantime and since we had to go to Empire anyway I decided to take a little vacation there.
Basically this means nothing else than that I moved my three characters once to another corp and leave one of my alts currently in Killtronic.

I have a few activities on my list that I would like to test out or do. There are still corresponding blog entries for these items, as far as useful.

  • Give the Hauler NPC Mining Expedition a few dents
  • Test the effects of the mining update on the Orca to see if it is preferable to a Porpoise in zero.
  • Fly Epic Arc Level 1
  • Clean up and sort out what I still need from the stuff I brought from the Null or which I can sell
  • Tidy up my home station once

The list is relatively short, but still takes some time. The move back into the Null I have planned for next week, before that I would like to have everything prepared accordingly.

Where have we actually moved to now?
Killtronic is now a member of the Pandemic Family, more precisely the Pandamic Horde.

So we moved to the east, an area where I have never been before and which is dominated by drones.
Now you can understand that as you like, I referred here to the NPC.

Also there is a connection to Geminate where we also find Guristas.
The Horde has it very large area in possession and we are likewise at present on the search for a concrete homeland.

There are already clear differences between the Horde and AOM in terms of organization and structure. Here I have to familiarize myself first.
This should not sound negative, but for us and especially for our PVP pilots it is a difference.

But these are no reasons why we left AOM. In the PIBC especially Evictus was present in the EU timezone and with the loss or dissolution of this alliance some manpower is missing in the timezone and we have seen no sense for us to stay.
PVP and especially in fleets is difficult at this time, but also the defense of our structures is difficult. For this reason we looked for the new shore and I think we found it.

6 Rückmeldungen “Highsec vacation

  1. Netter Post, ich freue mich das Du unsere Corp so mit einbaust. Die neue Heimat wird schon gut passen, da bin ich mir sicher. Auf eine neue tolle Zeit in der neuen Allianz.

  2. Danke für den Post und den winzig kleinen Einblick auf deutsch in die Politik von EVE. Viel Glück eine(n) schnellen Aufbau/ Eingewöhnung und einen langen Atem kann ich nur wünschen. Die Dronen geben noch immer kein Bounty. Und so läuft der ISK Fluss immer noch einzig über den Markt?

    Leider fehlen mir die Hintergründe zur Pandemic Family, dunkel Erinnere ich mich an längst vergange Zeiten. Ich denke ihr werdet dort in den nächsten Monaten eine spannende Zeit haben.

    1. Heyho,
      mittlerweile haben Drohnen ein Bounty und mehr als die normalen Rats. Als Ausgleich weniger Loot soweit ich weiß.
      Pandamic Family sind ja die Legion und die Horde. Ich freue mich auf jeden Fall. Hat mein CEO was tolles organisiert 😉

      1. Drohnen haben gaaaanz früher mal sog. Alloys als Loot gehabt. Diese konnt man refinern und Mineralien draus gewinnen. EInen anderen Zweck hatten die Alloys nicht. Dafür brachtne die Drohnen gaaanz früher keine Bounty.
        Jetzt ist es genau andersrum: Drohnen geben Bounty, hinterlassen aber nur leere Wracks, die man gerade noch salvagen kann. Nur die Faction Drohnen (Sentient ….) und diverse Boss Drohnen haben etwas Loot. Entweder Salvage oder Bauteil für Drohnen BPCs

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