Nothing is as constant as the change on my planet

Hey, I haven’t written anything about my activities on the various planets for a while.
So why not bring up this topic again.

Basically I had two plans so far.

Produce various products for sale in Null-Space.
In the Empire, buy raw materials cheaply, refine them and then sell them again.

Now it is only one plan and this is a further development from the previous first variant.
That means nothing more than that I pull up the production above all in the zero-space.

The empire is ignored for the time being. The reasons are obvious.
I would have to buy the materials I need and the experience so far shows me that it usually works relatively sluggishly and I try to limit my trade to what I need.
Somehow I could not get a foothold so far. In addition, the prices are so strongly fluctuating in the area that I make from one day to the next miese, so relatively risky. First procure the mass and then also so that there are no price shifts.

In addition, one must also consider the customs duties of about 15%. Basically it throws off well but requires too much attention. Therefore this project is dead for now.

Instead I am steadily expanding in zero with one goal, which is to build up and expand my fuelblock production.
So basically I only use what I have used and made so far with a new focus.

In other words, I am now simply focusing on and using the status quo to date and doing something productive with it.
That is, I have now built on my three chars in zero the complete PI production chains to achieve a good result here.
Each planet has thus received a monoculture from me, be it the production of P1, the processing towards P2 and P3. For Mechanical Parts there are two planets each, once for the Fuel Block and once for the production of the Robotics.


That was my starting point for the first few weeks and I had the opportunity to fine-tune it.
I quickly realized that the production of Coolant needs to be expanded significantly and is my bottleneck so far.

Mechanical parts were not the problem due to my double production.
So another adjustment must be made accordingly. And the most important thing was to bring another character into the game.

So I brought one of my alt into the null and thanks to a lot of free skill points I was able to raise the missing skills for planetary production very fast.
Thus I am now with 23 planets on the way. In a few days it will be 24 and I believe that this is enough to cover everything.
This char makes sure that the missing P1 products are produced. This includes especially the precursors for Coolant, the more the better at this point.

Apart from that, there was also another focus on improving Robotics. Means that I receive here still Consumer Electronics more Chiral Structures.
The further planets serve to intercept if necessary bottlenecks and to produce on stock.
It’s just a question of planning or how often you want to rebuild. I think I am satisfied with a final variant for 24 planets.


So I don’t have to worry about PI production for the fuel block anymore.
Now we come to the second part we need for the production. Here we talk about the mining in the ice belt.

I have temporarily said goodbye to my skiffs and switched to three Endurance.
The reasons for this are relatively easy to explain. The Endurance is simply better suited for ice, meaning it is more mobile on the move and basically breaks down almost the same amount of ice.
Especially the latter combined with the lower price makes the ship interesting for me. Escape from incoming enemies is much quicker and with the built-in MWD I can accelerate and get to safety even if the enemy doesn’t expect it.

Since the cargo space of the Skiff was increased with the current update, this is here, however, slightly in advantage. I can also launch more drones and defend myself against the rats in the Belt and inflict serious and timely damage.

The Endurance, however, is able to outmaneuver the battleships without any problems due to its significantly higher speed and thus protect itself via this way. Nine drones can take over the cruisers and frigates in peace and if there is time and desire, the battleships can be taken over as well.
I think that I can put me well in my free time in the ice and provide for proper supplies for the fuel production.

3 Rückmeldungen “Nothing is as constant as the change on my planet

  1. Huhu Sendriss, netter Beitrag. Ich freue mich das Du dich gut einfindest und deine Produktion aufbaust. Mach weiter so…Grüße Anarchy

  2. Ich hab mir mal die neuen Module angeschaut, die man jetzt für die T2 und Faction Produktion braucht. Da lässt sich auch ganz gut die PI Erträge in die Supply Chain integrieren, falls irgendwo Überproduktion entsteht. Wenn aber so eine komplette Fuel-Kette erstmal läuft und perfekt eingestellt ist, kann man sich ja schon fast nichts Besseres mehr wünschen.

    1. Stimmt, das ist das schöne. Eine aufgebaute Produktionskette liefert genug und ggf. produziert man entsprechenden Überschuss zum Verkauf.

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