I almost fell off my chair earlier when I read the news in the partner discord.
According to CCP Swift, the partner program will be expanded. There is currently a lot of work in the administrative area, i.e. the review of applications and CCP would like to be better positioned here.
There are currently many content creators applying who are unfortunately much too small and therefore fall through the minimum requirements.
However, CCP does not want to forget them and would like to show its appreciation for their efforts.
Therefore, the Partner Partner Program is launched with immediate effect.
What does this mean concretely. Partners now have the opportunity to officially register for the program. Afterwards rejected applicants of the actual program have the chance to apply directly to one of these volunteers.
The application can also be sent directly to the partner, so that CCP has no administrative work beforehand.
This means concretely that they can now apply directly to a partner. The partner looks at the application and can freely decide whether to accept it or not. This is purely the responsibility of the partner.
If the application is successful, the partner and his character will be registered at CCP and will receive a certain benefit for his work. In this case this means 250 Plex and access to the partner discord. But also five partner skins per month are available for free.
This is to allow smaller content creators to be rewarded for their work and efforts and to get the opportunity to grow healthy to be accepted into the partner program.
If the partner is then of the opinion, he can propose the partner partner directly to CCP for the actual partner program. Due to the fact that the partner has already participated in the previous program, the application will be processed much faster.
Also the appropriate requirements are to be regarded somewhat reduced, since the partner partner increases itself by constant growth of contents also as the reached user constantly. Thus CCP assumes that he will also reach the required numbers in a timely manner.
Of course, the partner is also obliged to accompany and support the partner-partner in this process. For each partner-partner the partner receives 500 Plex once and 100 Plex monthly.
If a partner partner is taken over, there is another 1000 Plex as well as an exclusive ship that cannot be fitted, but also cannot take any damage as a thank you. As well as a number of exclusive skins.
Also the new partner receives again the 1000 Plex.
If he brings five partners into the program, he has the possibility to have an exclusive skin created together with CCP. He can distribute this skin freely in the game.
Curious or interested? Then you can apply directly to me. In the comments as well as by ingame mail.
I would then take care of all the necessary steps at CCP as soon as the program is online.
We would also work out a plan how to reach your numbers for the actual affiliate program.
So I am looking forward to your applications.
Aber wie passt das jetzt in das Web3 Metaverse und wo sind die NFTs? Ohne Blockchain kann das ja garnicht funktionieren.
CCP Wege halt 😀
Mentoring von den Spielern und mit dem Ziel zu wachsen? Hm, weiß nicht, was ich davon halten soll.
Wenn Leute beginnen nur auf die Zahlen zu schauen, fürchte ich, das dabei die Qualität des contents sehr darunter leiden könnte.
Ich hoffe ihr nehmt den Artikel aufgrund des Erscheinungsdatums nicht zu ernst. Gruß Sendriss 😀😀
Ich hasse dieses Datum. Vor allem wenn einem Social Media das erst Tage später in die Timeline spühlt. 🙄
Alles Gut, galt nur allgemein
Moin Moin,
ich geb auch gern Arbeit ab an meine Frau, ist doch ganz in Ordnung. Viele Grüße