A doctorate in marketing?

Normally I write only briefly something about an event and then I’m satisfied.
This time I would like to make the whole thing a little different.

The trigger for this, however, is to be explained in the “felt marketing offensive” that is currently driven.
In addition to the cooperation of CCP with BBC for Doctor Who, especially this weekend some German-speaking Twitch “Influencer” have shown EvE Online.

The latter is a good idea, only the implementation was rather suboptimal to see, at least from my eyes.
But I’d like to say a few sentences about that later.

But first, let’s get to the most beautiful part. The Venture Scope Syndication Skins from the last post goes to darkages.
Congratulations for this.

But let’s take a look at the event itself. 
Somehow it was not really satisfying for me as a whole.

Also I could collect some things that I can sell.

On the one hand, because the process within the event was very confused for me and I basically had to do everything.
On the other hand because the procedure is always the same.

We basically followed three different directions in this event:

a) Scan out the signatures and decode the Relic containers and sell content from them later.
b) Use an Exploration Filament and decode the Relic Containers and sell content from them later on.
c) Use a Combat Filament and destroy everything and sell content from it later on.

All followed by a certain number needed to reach the goal or this intermediate stage.
And also we have to sell our achievements afterwards.


First of all, it’s okay if we take into account who this event was primarily designed for.
So we get past the rough game content of EvE: Combat, Exploration, Trading and Industry.
As a beginner or fresh capsuleer, however, you will very quickly be at the end of your rope or your character’s abilities.

Doesn’t mean anything else that as soon as you have to use level two or three filaments they don’t make it in my eyes.
It is the typical sitting between the chairs not to make it too difficult for beginners and still offer the old pilots a challenge.

And then it’s basically working through the tasks that the system offers you in the process itself.
Which task comes next and which task you work through is then up to the players to decide.

And you come as a new player, as I said, at some point where you just can’t get ahead and get stuck in the middle of the event.
That’s why I would plead at this point to choose a different system and let the players decide more easily what they want to do.
So they can earn points by completing tasks from a certain pool, but what they redeem them for would be up to them, as well as which task to complete now.

In order to pick up beginners even better, it would also have been a good idea to depict the whole thing more over an overarching story, the Epic Arc can serve very well as an example here.
So it is, especially for veterans very boring, because it holds this concept of the process progression now already a few years. And whether we’re chasing Delaks, Sanshas or something like that doesn’t make a huge difference in that sense for the event.

Especially in view of the fact that this is a cooperation. They really could have put a little more effort into it.

Sure, the idea behind it is quite good and the environments are lovingly designed, but I somehow miss a real unique selling point that you can really feel. I personally didn’t have it.
It was fun, but it was fun like any other event and not different fun. It was just too samey in terms of the flow for that.

I definitely would have liked more Doctor Who, though.

As already mentioned, CCP is currently trying to do some marketing besides this event.
At least in German-speaking countries, the Doctor Who event was also accompanied by a Twitch campaign.

So several worlds meet each other. Not only Doctor Who and EvE, but also “Influencer” and EvE.
I watched one or the other stream in between, but I couldn’t follow the content for long.

With almost all of them, I got the impression that they want to grab the money and get it over with as quickly as possible.
I think it’s good that EvE offers a complex entry and can’t be mastered easily.

The conditions that CCP has given here were also made public with most:

  • Play two hours of EvE
    At least 25 new pilots who have finished the tutorial and signed up via the individual referrer link.

Then the campaign is successful. What do you want to show in two hours EvE except that it is complex without end and the “Influencer” desperately tried to play this further.
You are certainly welcome to watch one or the other VoD on this, but most were a bit overwhelmed, because they also started emotionally for the stream for the first time EvE.

I would have liked that at least a little prior knowledge was conveyed here to simply show things better and nicer.
Therefore, I would be of the opinion that you should have been provided with a tutor. This definitely makes a better impression than clicking around looking for help.

The whole thing would probably also deter me than animate to become active here. 

Also, I think that of the minimum 25 players per “Influencer” is needed to complete, a maximum of one will remain in EvE Online.
As sad as it is and I would wish for something else. From the “Influencer” I think none will really follow EvE longer.

There were also correspondingly meaningful statements such as that “EvE is not a twitch game” or “I will continue to play offstream and I’m totally bock on the game”. The interpretation is up to everyone here voluntarily.
These people are simply dependent on playing games with an easy entry without having to learn a lot. These statements were also made in this context.
As well as they talked diligently about their own plans in Star Citizen or other games and explained and EvE was somehow only there to fulfill their own task.
Others didn’t even mention EvE in their streaming title, which is actually a shame.

Possibly I am also as a gamer after almost 14 years just too spoiled with my knowledge and have other demands. I can’t say.

No one says that EvE is easy, no one says that EvE must be understood directly and immediately. The progression is a lot different than in Battlefield or Call of Duty.
Let yourselves in on it and I would wish that one or the other streamer really means it seriously and stays on the ball with EvE and works his way in. I really want to be able to see new players in this way.

These minimal two hours show nothing of EvE. 

7 Rückmeldungen “A doctorate in marketing?

  1. Guten Morgen,

    die Idee mit 1-2 Tutoren finde ich toll, noch dazu alle in eine Corp stecken und schauen das man mit den 2 Tutoren die Zeitzonen der “Influencer” abdecken kann.
    Die Influencer lässt man 1-2 Tage im Beginner Mod spielen und boosted sie dann im Skillen so das sie dann in der Lage sind auch besser Ships nutzen zu können, das wieder 2 Tage und am Ende bietet man ihnen 1 Tag die Chance auch Capitals zu fliegen.

    Als Spielwiese bieten sich so auch die verschiedenen Sec-Status Systeme an. Zur Halbzeit gehts als Ally Mitglied ins 0.0. Schau ich mir gerade die BR’s an gibts genug Möglichkeiten dort mitzuspielen und Spass zu haben. Gerade in und um Tribute/Venal^^

    2 Std als Zeitvorgabe halte ich für zu wenig 5Tage a3-4Std.

    Schaut man sich die Streaming Zeiten dieser Influencer an gehe ich davon aus das die nicht nur 2 Std am Tag streamen, das die das nicht für Lau machen sollte allen klar sein.

    Grüße Darkages

    PS: vielen Dank noch einmal für den Venture Scope Syndication Skins.
    Venture BPO und Cyno BPO sind nun auch fertig geforscht für das Industrial Cyno. So werd ich dann den Skin nutzen und die alten Cyno Ships nach und nach austauschen.
    Bei dem Force Recon wird das wohl etwas länger dauern um die alten Cynos zu ersetzen.

    Was waren das noch für Zeiten wo Caps und Freither das selbe Cyno nutzen konnten.

    1. Sehe ich ähnlich. Da hätte man mehr Konzept hinterpacken können.

      Freut mich, dass du mit dem Skin was anfangen kannst 🙂

  2. Ich hätte mir auch mehr “Content” gewünscht… Ne kleine Geschichte mit einem konkreten Ziel am Ende. Hat trotzdem ne Weile Spaß gemacht, aber einfach nur einen Balken zu füllen war mir am Ende doch zu wenig.

    Ich hätte auch nichts gegen ein Event, dass sich mal länger zieht und aufwendiger produziert ist.. Es müssen ja nicht ständig neue Mechaniken sein… Komplex ist eve auch so genug 🙂

    1. Abwechslung ist das Wort was es ganz gut trifft. In Form einer Epic Arc und dann mit verschiedenen Stellschrauben wäre mal cool.

  3. Moin Moin,
    das Problem ist ienfach, das Eve zu “ernst” ist und das Doctor Who zu “fanatsie” mäßig ist, das passte nun gar nicht, jede Star Trek / Star Wars Adaption wäre passender gewesen. Ich freue mich über den Content, aber für mich war das nichts. Ich schicke freundliche Grüße

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