Dr. Who meets EvE… Can something like that work or is it just marketing?

There is once again a new event in EvE Online and one that is not completely set in the EvE universe but has a fusion.
We are talking about the oldest scifi series from the worthy BBC, Dr. Who.

And I have to confess to my shame that I don’t really watch this one, but at least I know you.
The problem is, of course, that this has been on the market for a very long time and I’d like to start from scratch. But I don’t think I could do that.

So who has a good entry point and provider, I am interested.

So I only know the rough theme behind Dr. Who and I’m curious how the whole thing will be implemented in EvE.
Basically, this is of course a certain marketing action that does not have much to do with EvE, but should certainly draw some Dr. Who fans to EvE.
I can therefore also imagine that the requirements for participation are very low and therefore also worthwhile for beginners and especially very fresh chars.
In my opinion, CCP is hoping for an increase in players with this cooperation.

The other way around is of course also relevant, especially for the German audience. There, in my opinion, Dr. Who is a mostly unknown series.

I’m definitely curious about what’s coming and will certainly also post a char for this.
The screenshots known so far also show EvE unusual surreal environments and I am curious about the story.
Of course, I would prefer if the stories of the individual empires are continued in an official way and not through stories.
Even if these are very interesting.


I also believe that this is another test balloon. It should be tested whether and how far such stories and especially cooperations work.
Since it concerns here again around instances it would be likewise a further development of the past Abyssal Sites.

Whether it really works or not we will see in the aftermath. But definitely it is a good marketing action.

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