The agony of choice

We have a serious problem in EvE-Online and everyone knows it and has gone through the agony it causes.
This problem does not exist in only one variant. This problem is multifaceted and it keeps coming back.
It triggers one of the most important questions in EvE that a player can ever ask.
The first-world problem in its purest definition.


Exactly, and I’ll be facing that question again soon. So far I could avoid this question with skills I still wanted to have. But soon it’s time again. At the moment I am in the process of adding to my ship portfolio. And these two ship classes are still on the program:

The Monitor is a flag cruiser class ship.

The Thunderchild is the battleship of EDENCOM.

After that, except for the Titan and the Triglavian Dreadnought, I have all ships usable as potential vessels. I just like being flexible and complete. Rounding out my current skill schedule is learning level 5 of the Triglavian’s large precursor weapons. So, in total, there are just under 38 days left on the list.

Until then, I still have to figure out what I’d like to have on my main character next. The ways are manifold.

And there we are already at the initial problem. Which skill is next? Will skills be invested in production? Research next? What about trading? But industry and refining are also an option. Expansion of capitals that will probably never be used?

I’ve gotten to the point where either another character can do it better or it’s a matter of skilling the big skills for perfection. If I remember back there were times when I didn’t know what to learn first. For a very long time I couldn’t imagine myself looking for the next skill. The anticipation of the next skill, getting into the next new ship, using new weapons or systems. All that has been lost over time, it was fun and it was a goal that you could achieve.

Recently, my main character celebrated his 13th birthday in EvE. I never thought I would stay in the game for so long or keep coming back. I am now just thinking what would have been if I had not paused between a few years? Then there would have been finite millions more skill points already learned on my character. The selection of skills would then have been even smaller and the question would be even more pressing. Somehow I long back to the time where I didn’t know what to learn next. Even though the current state offers me a lot more possibilities and gives me a lot of flexibility here. So it’s a lead and against. Both are fun. Let’s look through just Neo with its community character in which first learns and experiences the game anew. Would this also be a way for me? Pull up an own alpha accout once and specialize it? Certainly. Would this change something in my problem? No, because even a character on my main account would have to keep learning.

In the meantime, have I made any progress with my problem?

I think I have found a solution. If I can already fly the EDENCOM ship, I would also like to use the weapon system. It costs a few million ISK but here for open me again more possibilities and alternative.

A character in EvE will never be fully skilled, never perfect. There is always a skill that you can learn. Be it in the endgame or as a beginner. And this is something I love about EvE. I don’t have to do things to get better. My character gets more diverse and bigger with time and a few ISK here or there for a new skill. It takes time and that’s what I like and enjoy about EvE. You swim with the time, you can learn other things and you are not forced to be in this activity. So I’m glad to have such a problem. If I can call this a problem in my little EvE world I am happy.

Thanks to Jezaja for the indirect suggestion.


2 Rückmeldungen “The agony of choice

  1. Hallo,

    ich bin etwas älter als du – immerhin hab ich 2003 angefangen und bin jetzt bei etwa 250 MSP und miene Skillqueue dauert noch etwa 900 Tage. Mein Ziel ist möglichst viele Schiffe auf Mastery 5 zu ziehen. Wäre das für dich auch ein Ziel?

    Fly safe
    The SMAX
    Eat my shorts Inc.
    Executive Vice President of Human Resources

    1. Hi, an die Masterygeschichte habe ich noch gar nicht gedacht.
      Schreibe ich mir auf den Zettel für in 113 Tagen und hoffe in nicht beim aufräumen zu entsorgen.


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