The Navies upgrade

And not with Destroyers as known or assumed so far, but with one frigate and one battlecruiser per Navy.

Thus, the corresponding arsenal per empire increases significantly and comes closer and closer to the fact that each ship class also finds a use in the Navy.
As it stands, each empire is missing exactly one battleship, one battlecruiser, two cruisers, two destroyers, and four frigate classes. I leave out industrial ships.

This gives us a very high degree of coverage, especially in the area of the large and thus most powerful ships. With the destroyers, we have a ship size that is not yet represented in the Navy, at least for normal capsuleers.
There was a rumor that destroyers were finally coming, but that turned out to be false information.

But even so, we have received eight new ships that may again find a meaningful use. Personally, I find more ships always great, because it offers corresponding variety and also offers in this case a lot of opportunities to become active in the field of RP.
Of course, it must be said here that skins have also offered these possibilities so far. We could always put on Navy skins as a second skin over our ship, but personally it is still nicer to fly a real faction ship.

I’m more of a visual person and not one to analyze a ship from top to bottom. That’s why I deliberately don’t deal with the stats they bring with them, first I have no idea about them and second I doubt that they are final yet.
So I prefer to do what I can and be happy about new ships and hope that we will get some special ships that are really Navy exclusive. Among others I think of ships in the frigate range like the Slicer of the Amarr Navy.
Here I could well imagine that there will also be something like that in other scales.

Let’s be surprised.

3 Rückmeldungen “The Navies upgrade

  1. Neue Navy-Schiffe finde aich auch gut, deshalb bich aich auch schon ganz neugierig.
    Und danke, dass du du bloggst. Über den Sommer ist es ja ziemlich ruhig in der deutschspracigen Bloggerszene geworden.

    1. Moin, ich bin gespannt. Bei mir war es halt Sommerpause. Wird sicherlich auch wieder mehr werden. Zumindest bei mir 🙂

  2. Hi,

    die neuen Navy Schiffe sind super. Je mehr Schiffe desto besser aber auch schwieriger in der Balance.

    Am meisten freue ich mich auf die Prophecy. Die kommt unbedingt in mein Sammlung und wird sicherlich auch zum Einsatz kommen und die Standard Prophecy ersetzen 🙂

    Ich gebe auch die Hoffnung auf entsprechende Navy Zerstörer nicht auf. Ne Corax,Dragon oder Algos wäre da auch nett oder etwas ähnlich exklusives wie die Hookbill oder Slicer.

    Fly Clever
    Zarah Arkaral

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