The Ammatar await us – Wildfire Chapter 3

First of all a happy new year 2023. Remember in the last entry of the year 2022 you still have the opportunity to win skins. Until 15.01. I give you the chance. Who has not tried until then is himself to blame.
Currently I’m waiting for the skins for the new year. Let’s see which ships they will be and when we will get some information.

But now back to the current daily business. I was able to successfully complete the second chapter during my vacation and am now indirectly on my way back to my home.
Basically I always take a look at the missions on once. So I have at least a rough overview of what to expect and how to proceed.

The last two combat missions of the second chapter have the advantage that you don’t have to wait for a spawn or all enemies are there at once and can be fought in peace.
And if you have all the time in the world this is also quite relaxed.
So I went on into the fight. All opponents were already directly present and because of the distance I could prepare in peace.
As opponents there was again a stack of Angel for breakfast which also wanted to greet me directly warmly.

But somehow the Angels were funny. A few were a bit shy and gave me only a yellow instead of a red box and thus did not want to switch me on finally.
I didn’t want to wait too long and so I sent my Warrior drones to the approaching frigates to decimate them.
This basically worked great, but in between they were still switched on and damaged. And as fast as these drones are, you notice that they are only light specimens and live off their speed.

I usually saw it in time enough, but the damage was done. Some of the frigates that approached me but attacked the drones had their fun.
Unfortunately, I could not identify them very well, so I had no other option than to withdraw the affected drone and exchange it for a new one.

Despite this measure, I lost one drone each in this as well as in the second mission.
So I had to turn the light frigates into scrap as fast as possible to have a clear path now.

The rest I could then successfully mix up and eliminate with the heavy drones.

Now I just had to fly to the station once more and experience the explosion, and I was satisfied.

Now I really wanted to close the chapter.
In the following mission the NPC were not yet there but came only when I approached a certain container.
After that, there were almost 100km between me and the Cartel’s ships. Somehow I didn’t trust this information and so I decided to saddle a small corvette and to attract the spawn with it and it was indeed 100km away from me.
But I was not satisfied with that yet, because the environment hindered my movement. So I looked for a good entry point from which I could fly cleanly into the site.
The sun was a good starting point. So I changed the ship and over the sun I gained enough distance and could navigate relatively freely.
The enemies still didn’t really welcome me, but it went pretty much as I had planned. In this mission I unfortunately lost my second drone.

Basically, scrap metal was nevertheless quickly generated. As a further requirement I still need something for the analysis what I had of course, I learn yes, already packed and only had to equip.
Thus, this mission was also done and I also here collect everything possible again what was lost on the way from the nice NPC. And from the wrecks can be made certainly also still interesting.
When I’m so far through, I’ll make a rough summary of what was lost.

The last chapter brings me back to my home, or at least very close to it.
There’s just some logistics to get the individual ships back to the new location, but what can I say. This is where at least my Chromebook and EvE Anywhere is a great help.

The target area is Ammatar space, and the first two missions are also against this faction.
For those who don’t know the Ammatar. They live south of Heimatar in Derelik, among other places, and are Minmatar who have joined the Amarr.

The problem here is that if I go against them I lose standing at least in a certain area, so I still have to come up with a tactic.
Do I go with the we produce alt-metal tactics so far or will I just do the bare minimum specifically for this mission.

I think I’ll try it out at least once.

5 Rückmeldungen “The Ammatar await us – Wildfire Chapter 3

  1. Hallo Sendriss,

    dir auch ein gesundes neues Jahr.
    Schön wäre ein Scope SKIN für die Cormorant. Ist ein tolles Schiff mit vielen Einsatzmöglichkeiten und auch für Einsteiger gut zu benutzen. Die Catalyst war ja letztes Jahr dabei. Alternativ auch für die Punisher.

    Vor Standing Loss bei Highsec System Factions habe ich auch oft Angst. Hierfür muss man sich meist dann Mal vornehmen Buße zu tun für die andere Fraktion…aber das weißt du bestimmt schon längst.

    Fly Clever
    Zarah Arkaral

    1. Mal schauen was kommt, bis jetzt weiß ich nichts neues und ingame sind auch noch keine Skins sichtbar.
      Dann fliegt man halt die Epic der entsprechenden Fraktion und schon ist wieder was gerettet 🙂

  2. Hi,
    ich finde deine aktuellen Beschreibungen wirklich interessant.
    Ok, die letzte Epic Arc ist bei mir schon ewig her und damals bin ich sie klassich mit dem Marauder oder wenigstens mit eine Rattlesnake geflogen.
    Was ich mich frage, lohnt sich die Epic Arc mit einem kleineren Schiff zu fliegen, weil es eben zwischen den Systemen schneller unterwegs ist? Oder dauern die Fights einfach länger mit den kleinen Schiffen und man fährt einfach nur nicht so ein riesiges Vermögen durch das All?


    1. Heyho,
      ich bin der Regel der Fan von einem guten Preis-Leistungsverhältnis und habe kein Fan von sehr teuren Schiffen.
      Speziell bei Marauder habe ich immer das Gefühl eines Fadenkreuzes auf meinem Schiff. Die Isthar ist in meinen Augen ein sehr guter Kompromiss und man kommt mit ihr gut vorwärts mit der jeweils korrekten Taktik.
      Ebenso ist sie recht anpassbar mit dem Schaden und somit flexibel und günstig.

      Ich wüsste ad-hoc nicht einmal wie ich einen Marauder passend fitten sollte.
      Ob es länger dauert kann ich nicht beurteilen aber ich habe das Gefühl ein gutes Tempos an den Tag zu legen.
      Probier es doch einfach mal aus. Wenn ich mit der Minmatar durch bin stelle ich auch das Fitting mitsamt eines Feedback rein.


      1. Mmmh, du machst mich neugierig. Ich glaube, ich probiere auch mal etwas kleineres für die Epic Arcs aus.

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