Courier Mission – A little love?

After I finally had some well-deserved vacation last week and was therefore not at home for a while, I’m now back and filled with fresh energy, so the theory on that.
Therefore, I have also missed the great Easter egg hunt and lots of great skins….

But what do you do if you don’t play EvE and have some time in between? Correct, you play Wish Concert and keep yourself busy with the current activities.
Mine is currently flying AFK Courier missions to collect standing for more characters.

I noticed how little love the Courier missions get and how they could be more varied.
Has anyone noticed that events have never been about Courier?
There are combat missions, mining or even exploration but I can’t really remember that you had to transport goods in an event.

It offers so much potential, especially when the events revolve around the individual empires.
I think both can be connected with each other and bring similar missions.

It would make sense to use blockade runners here as well.

One application would be the infiltration or extraction of supplies or personnel on stations without being detected by the corresponding guards or blockades.
Above all, one can well imagine search and rescue missions in this scenario. Quiet in, quiet out. Whereby here the mechanics of the approach thus the unmasking would be a problem.
Possibly you have to be able to deploy logically somehow, otherwise the ship will be visible again when approaching the target object.

Also other missions with normal Industrials could be similarly stored. Here it would be important to bring an object safely to its destination. While fighter ships try to scan one.
Also the time pressure could play a role here.

The missions could be much more varied than the previous A to B missions and also fit well into the lore of the current event.

So there are possibilities to add more variety and I would think that people would accept these missions.
But it would definitely have to come via an event, since CCP is generally active here but also regularly gives the same assets or missions.

These are repeated in the regular events, but bring smaller variations.

But it would be clearly something different to create a new variant here and I think it would also be the opportunity to revise the Courier missions and bring the factor of reward with the risk of the mission into play.
You’ve already noticed that I can do the whole story here well on autopilot. There really is no risk in that sense and the reward looks similar as well.
Clearly there should be no competition to the normal combat missions here and the Courier should be much better, but as an alternative you could firmly anchor the ideas already mentioned above after the event and offer an alternative.

What I could also well imagine that especially Courier missions serve to quickly and easily get standing, while the reward in ISK form remains low.

I find it very practical. What do you think about courier missions and the cry for love in general?

Among all comments there are again a few skins to win.

This month I have the Scope Syndication Skin of the Kestrel for you.

3 Rückmeldungen “Courier Mission – A little love?

  1. Hallo Sendriss,

    die Courier Missionen sind wirklich ganz nett zum Standing afk farmen aber auch leider echt öde wenn man sie aktiv machen möchte. Das gleiche gilt für NPC trading goods hauling.

    Die Idee zur Einbindung in Events finde ich auch richtig cool und hat auch viel Lorepotential. Da sehe ich aber leider wenig Umsetzungswahrscheinlichkeit.

    Fly Clever
    Zarah Arkaral

  2. Couriermissionen habe ich bisher nur für den Standing-Gewinn gemacht und (ganz früher) als afk-Beschäftigung.
    Wenn man die ein bisschen aufpeppen würde, fände ich das prima. Potenzial hätte es auf jeden Fall.
    Allerdings glaube ich nicht wirklich daran, dass sich an den Missionen in der nächsten Zeit etwas ändern wird. Leider.

  3. Ich bin da leider nie eingstiegen in Missionen, könnte mir aber auch vorstellen das eine abgewandelte Kuriermission gut sein könnte. Von a nach B im Highsec, würde ich da als langweilig und überlüssig empfinden. Aber evtl. in Kombination mit Highsec – NPC Nullsec und zurück, oder sogar in ein WH rein, würde es wohl interessant machen. Also nun auf ein Event bezogen. Viele Grüße

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